Monday, January 9, 2012

Purse Gift Card Holder

Hello. This is a file that I originally shared way back in November, 2010. It got a lot of activity back then so I thought I would share it again here.

I have also provided a pdf file showing the score lines. However, PLEASE NOTE, the score line file is NOT to scale. It couldn't be to get it on a printable 8 1/2"x11" sheet of paper. It is for visual use only. This file was created BEFORE the latest version of MTC which makes it much easier to add score lines to a file! I may at some point come back and add them to the file but haven't done so yet.

I got the idea for this file when I saw a Purse Gift Card Holder at a local large box retail store and thought "hmmmm. . . . . I could probably make that!" So I did. The "purse" opens and sort of "pops up" the gift card. The original file size needs a larger mat than 12x12 (the 12x24 mat on the Cricut). Paper size needed is 19" long for those with other cutters.

However, I thought that most people would prefer to use the 12x12 mat and 12x12 paper so with some work, I was able to create a file that cuts separate pieces that you need to glue together. There are really only 2 parts that you have to cut, but the file does have a back "overlay" piece for those anal people who don't want the "overlap" of the two pieces showing. You can overlap the two pieces either on the inside or on the outside (this looks good if you use contrasting patterned paper for the top and bottom pieces!)

There are files for Make the Cut (MTC) and .svg for those with other software and/or cutters. I created my original files in MTC and then exported them out to .svg.

Download the Large Mat (12x24) 1 Piece Make the Cut (.mtc) cut file here.

Download the Small Mat (12x12) 2 piece Make the Cut (.mtc) cut file here.

Download the Large Mat (12x24) 1 Piece .svg file here.

Download the Small Mat (12x12) 2 piece .svg file here.

Download the .pdf file showing the score lines here.

Download the .pdf file showing the glue lines for the 2 piece file here.

The handle of the purse can be made in a couple of ways. The one I saw basically used a pipe cleaner and did not put holes but just put it around the sides and folded it inside. I punched small holes and used pipe cleaners and or small wire and added some cheap beads I had just to see how that would look. Feel free to use your imagination!! I only show pics of ones with the beads. The pipe cleaners also worked well. Then you put a piece of velcro to hold the purse flap down.

Thanks for stopping by. Please show me what you make with the files. I love to see that people actually use my files! LOL Pictures of mine are just "rough mockups" of the files to make sure that they really work! Would love to show some really blinged out! Hopefully with the pics and the .pdf files you will be able to figure out how to put this together. If not, please leave me a comment with any questions. Leave your email if I need to contact you. I will not publish the email address.

2 pieces cut on 12x12 mat

2 pieces adhered together with top overlayed on outside

Where to Glue on Top Piece

Where to glue on bottom piece then adhere top and bottom together

1 Piece cut on 12x24 Mat - no gluing or joining pieces needed!


  1. This is an ingenious project. Thank you for sharing the files.

  2. You are da bomb!!
    Still looking for the Santa one.
