Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sliding Pop-Up Card MTC File to Share

This is picture of card closed as first seen.
Hey everybody.  I wanted to share this Make the Cut file I created based on a Sliding Pop-up Card Tutorial written and shared by Kim Score on the Splitcoaststampers website.   There is also a video tutorial shared there as well for those who want a "visual".  You can also check out the Splitcoast Gallery of cards created based on this tutorial as well. Kim used a Raggedy Andy style image to popup on her's, he is so cute, I think that is what first drew my attention (looks like might have been a valentine card). (I Love the Mickey one in the Gallery that was created by midnightsmum as well!) You can also find Kim's personal blog at Paper Punch Addiction. I need to go check out her site and see more of her work!

They are fairly simple "pieces" to cut and score manually so some might wonder why I would create a "cut file" for something like this.  Well first, I am manual paper cutter and ruler challenged!  LOL  I cannot seem to get a "straight line" for the life of me.  Plus, I hate having to have to "measure" all the time.  By creating this cut file, I don't have to worry about cutting the edge straight or measuring off for the score lines each time I want to create this card.  I just lay my paper on the mat, press a few buttons, and I'm ready to start assembling!  There are several "notes" in the cutting file so be sure to read those, especially regarding how to use score lines in the file if you are unfamiliar with that.

This is picture of card opened and showing message.
My sample card was created using double sided paper and a "print and cut" cupcake image I had previousl found for free online and cut with the Silhouette SD (it was in my cut but not used yet pile!).  Kim does recommend using a heavy cardstock when making htis card.  I didn't have a really heavy cardstock so used what I had.  It worked okay but I can see where a heavier cardstock would probably be better.

 Make sure that you read Kim's directions throughly before starting to assemble. I would also recommend creating a "mock-up" first from some inexpensive paper before using any good paper that you only have 1 sheet of! Watching the video would probably be a good idea too! It's not really that complicated once you get it all figured out. Good luck and let us see what you create with the file!  Please note, the file does not include the cupcake with the candle.

As always, thanks for stopping by!  DD's Travel VB will be ending soon and I hope to be able to maybe start to create and share some more files here on my blog sooner rather than later!

If you have a 4shared account you can download the MTC cutting file here Sliding Pop-Up Card. If you don't have a 4shared account, you can signup to get one for free and then download the file.  This appears to be a change in their Terms of Use, you didn't need to have your own account in the past in order to download my files. I am exploring other options for sharing my files since I don't want people to have to have a 4shared account just to get my files. However, since I don't charge for my files and I don't have ads or anything on my blog to make $$ I need to find a simple and free option to do so.  Stay tuned and I will update as soon as I figure something out! I have only shared a MTC file here since that is how I created my file and it is really fairly simple file to recreate from Kim's directions if you prefer another format.

UPDATE:  I have also shared the file in a dropbox account.  You can find the Sliding Pop-Up Card there as well. It should download directly to your computer.